Indoor Recess

Indoor Recess...... Who knew those two words could invoke such a strong emotional reaction inside someone. If you're an elementary teacher, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Your students need their time for movement, and while that's understandable, it's sometimes hard to achieve with 24 students inside this one small room. Our go-to game is Mum Ball. They take turns throwing the foam ball around the room. The rules are simple: catch it and stay in, miss it and you're out. As exciting as that sounds (note my sarcasm here), the kids really do love to play it. The issue we experience most is if it was a fair throw or not. The problem with Mum Ball and other games of this sort is that while they're getting physical activity, once you're out, you have to sit. Sitting leads to boredom, and boredom leads to trouble. Enter the greatest solution ever (especially for my 4th graders)..................The Electric Company! ...